 of Cloth
Why Use Cloth
Skin Care
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Benefits of Cloth

It is estimated that by the age of 2 1/2, a baby will spend 22,000 hours in diapers and parents will have changed over 13,000! Most parents and unfortunately most physicians fail to realize that diapers play an important role in both the baby's environment and skin health care.


     It is important to consider that cloth diapers are as good for your baby's skin as they are for the earth's.
     Parents should ask themselves: What diaper can best respond to the four functions of the skin in preventing diaper rash?  What diaper is safer?  More economical?  Convenient?  And, finally, because of the discomfort it can cause, how seriously can diaper rashes affect the health of an infant?
     Cotton breathes, letting air circulate to baby's skin.  And, unlike chemical-laden disposables, cotton diapers are naturally absorbent.  It also means less friction on tender skin, reducing the likelihood of diaper rash. 
     To read more about the benefits for your baby's skin, click on "Skin Care."


    Disposable diapers, it turns out, aren't all that disposable.  In fact, the 18 billion being dumped on the earth's surface each year will be there for centuries - contrary to the "don't worry about it" ads which suggest that these throwaways are being recycled.Stack of diapers  Into compost of all things!
     The good news is that more and more babies today are wearing reusable cloth diapers. Because diaper services are so resource efficient they use only a fraction of the water and energy used to make disposables or to wash diapers at home.  Consider these facts:

        *Disposable diapers have a tremendous negative impact on our solid    waste resources.
        *Reusable diapers use less water and energy and generate much less waste than disposable diapers. 
        *Diapers processed at a commercial diaper service are the most resource (water and energy) efficient of the 3 diapering methods available to today's mother.

     To read more about the benefits for the environment, click on "Environment."